I was about ten miles further than I wanted to be on the morning of the day I was to meet the Bangor pol0 crew. And it was raining. I rode over 60 miles between 1pm and just after 7, the stated start time. It was slow, hilly, wet and very pretty ride from Rockport, or -land? To Bangor up the 1 and 1A. Didn’t stop for many photos or even food and water much. I wanted to get there. Even if it was rained out. I wanted to say I was there. Even if they weren’t.
I got to town and asked a few pedestrians where they play. The fourth try pointed me in the right direction. Not two turns later a dark haired girl in a car behind me yelled out “pol0”. From then on my night kept getting better and better. Pol0 in Maine for one, so fun only 5 of us all together but 2v2 is still good pol0. We had mutual friends because she and her boyfriend Gabe had lived in NYC a couple years ago. One of the other players shared his vege soup. Another was playing music. We mixed up games. And I had a very good time. Good like 2005 bike pol0 good. After, we relaxed at a bar for a bit but they closed early. Fine bc I was hungry. Kierie and Gabe offered a spare room. They also fed me and let me shower. We talked about travel, NYC, and pol0. It was good.