Monthly Archives: September 2011

One full month on the road

Aug. 31, 2011
Day 31
A month of no rent(or paying to camp), no phone calls, and no GD text messages.

Tonight I’m in the dirt and swarmed with mosquitos. I might have brought this on by the way I opened yesterday’s notes.

Um. What happened today?
I rode my bike.
It was sunny.
I rode thru Shediac and stopped at the beach everyone talks about. Wasn’t that great. I ate a couple PB&J and rode on.
I don’t think I spoke to anyone beyond asking for water or toilet or paying at a check-out.
A lot of French speaking going on in these parts.
Some roads were smooth and very nice. And a few stretches were bumpy and dumb.
Many pretty views of the Northumberland Straight. I ride with it on my right so at times just beside me was a strip of grassy land and then vast water. PEI was within view in places.

Where am I? The map says Richibucto, NB.

Oh I clicked 3000km just as I crossed the Bouctouche Bridge.

Pretty uneventful day.

I did see a couple of touring cyclist early in my day. A girl and guy they had just crossed a one lane bridge I was approaching. I slowed and waved. We kind of just asked how it was going today and said hi. No stopping. They were maybe in their early 20’s and as I looked back I thought I noticed matching tie-dye tee shirts.

That makes 6 touring cyclists I’ve seen in 3 days. I don’t think I’d seen that many in 4 months of touring on my first trip.

I have trouble when I think about what it is I’m going to do after I ride back to NYC. I could go back to work and get an apartment again and do what I was doing. I could try to spend more time getting food but spending less and travel further. I could move my things to a new town and try a different place, someplace not New York City.

New York is a great place. And I love it for photography and the productive people there.

Touring more is an easy draw for me. I eat as much as I want, sleep as much as I want and ride my bike in any direction I want. And all the while meeting people and taking photos.

Trying something new is never a bad thing. I’ve been thinking about Madison for a while now.

I can’t decide. Reminds me of my thoughts when I left California after 5 years. I had three things in mind. I moved to NY and became a bike messenger.
